• HIGHLIGHTS - Chamber's unofficial notes from Jan. 24 Oak Park Business Association Council Meeting

    HIGHLIGHTS - Chamber's unofficial notes from Jan. 24 Oak Park Business Association Council Meeting



    Meeting Name:  Business Association Council forum

    Meeting Date: Wed., Jan. 24 @8:00am

    Meeting Location: Village Hall, Community Room 101


    Type of Meeting: Monthly open-format gathering of business association leaders


    Led by: Paul Zimmermann

    Liaison(s): VOP Business Services Manager Loretta Daly


    Chamber of Commerce Representative in Attendance: Cathy Yen, Executive Director, Liz Holt, Deputy Director


    Caveat: This document reflects the Chamber representative's own personal notes and highlights of business-related topics discussed at the meeting.  Questions pertaining to content or issues discussed should be directed to the relevant business association representative


    Attending:  Paul Zimmermann, Dan Haley (Hemingway), Mark Finger (OPAD), Dennis Murphy (Pleasant), Vik Schrader (OPEDC), Tammie Grossman (VOP), Loretta Daly (VOP)


    Chamber’s notes from the Public meeting:

    • 2017 Holiday lights program successful.  However, there is no Village subsidy in the 2018 budget therefore prices will increase in 2018.

    • Roundtable - reviewed major happenings and events in each of the districts.  Not much to report this early in the year, but districts are setting calendars.  What’s Blooming on Harrison is scheduled for May 19, 2018.  No report from other districts on specific dates or events.

    • General update on development projects currently underway.

    • Parking pilot proposal still in process of collecting public feedback (meeting scheduled for Jan 29 and Feb 12).  Transportation Commission has not yet made a recommendation to the Village Board.
      Single-use bag fee roll-out:  progressing smoothly

    • ​Consensus that Visit Oak Park should be invited to this meeting
    • BAC format and facilitation discussed as little time was available for businesses to share issues, concerns and areas for collaboration across districts.   Group recommended that we tighten the meeting and try for more time for sharing at Feb meeting.

    • Chamber to experiment with creating and publishing brief “highlights” (minutes not required as this in not a public commission or separate organization, but rather a forum for sharing information, comments, concerns and celebrations)

    • Next meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 8am




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