Meeting Name: Business Association Council forum
Meeting Date: Wed., Feb. 28 @8:00am
Meeting Location: Village Hall, Conference Room 102
Type of Meeting: Monthly open-format gathering of business association leaders
Led by: Paul Zimmermann
Liaison(s): VOP Business Services Manager Loretta Daly
Chamber of Commerce Representative in Attendance: Cathy Yen, Executive Director, Liz Holt, Deputy Director
Caveat: This document reflects the Chamber representative's own personal notes and highlights of business-related topics discussed at the meeting. Questions pertaining to content or issues discussed should be directed to the relevant business association representative
Attending: Paul Zimmermann, Anne Pezalla (Hemingway), Jim August (Hemingway), Mark Finger (OPAD), Dennis Murphy (Pleasant), Vik Schrader (OPEDC), Judith Alexander (TNAD), Tammie Grossman (VOP), Loretta Daly (VOP)
Chamber’s notes from the Public meeting:
Arts District banner program is underway.
Hemingway provides dates of district-specific events in 2018. Events will be added to Chamber calendar.
VOP updates:
request that we move March meeting to March 14 in order to hold a fulsome parking conversation and discussion of Proposed Parking Pilot. This could go to the Village Board in March or April
Too early to start talking about Lake Street resurfacing / streetscaping project
March 12: Board “study session” on sustainability; expect report on bag ordinance
Business dialogue:
Publicize March 14 meeting as “parking discussion” so businesses interested in both the Proposed Parking Pilot as well as Employee Parking Program can attend
Prepare for a conversation on Sustainability on April 25 to discuss bags, straws, recycling and other issues.
Develop list of key topics for future meetings
Personnel changes: Loretta Daly’s last day at Village Hall is 2.28.18; Sara Barnett from Visit Oak Park left as of 2.23.18. No word on replacements yet for either position.
Next meeting: Wednesday, Mar. 14 at 8am