Advocacy and Government
A running list of important municipal meetings, issues and discussions that could impact business owners in Oak Park, River Forest and Forest ParkMonday, March 25, 2019Mon., Mar. 25 @ 7:00pm Village of Oak Park Transportation Commission Meeting
Village of Oak Park
Monday, February 25, 2019Mon., Feb. 25 @ 7:00pm Village of Oak Park Transportation Commission Meeting
1. Evaluate three key intersections to improve pedestrian's safety and experience 2. Develop a Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) 3. Review report on status of working and non-working detector loops and how they are maintained and monitored.
Village of Oak Park
Monday, January 28, 2019Mon., Jan. 28 @ 7:00pm Village of Oak Park Transportation Commission Meeting
Petition for daytime parking restrictions on the 1000 block of S. Scoville Avenue, Review of adopted 2019 Transportation Commission Work Plan
Village of Oak Park
Monday, November 26, 2018Mon., Nov. 26 @ 7:00pm Village of Oak Park Transportation Commission Meeting CANCELLED
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, December 10, 2018.
Village of Oak Park
(0) Comments governmenttransportation commissionMonday, July 23, 2018Mon. July 23 @ 7:30pm Village of Oak Park Transportation Commission Meeting CANCELLED
This meeting has been cancelled
Village of Oak Park
(0) Comments Transportation CommissionMonday, April 23, 2018Mon, April 23 @ 7:00PM Oak Park Transportation Commission
The public is encouraged to attend this meeting and give public testimony about the Parking Pilot Program.
Village of Oak Park
Monday, February 26, 2018Mon. February 26 @ 7:00pm Village of Oak Park Transportation Commission meeting
The Transportation Commission will meet to discuss the final staff recommendations for the parking pilot program
Village of Oak Park
Monday, February 12, 2018Mon. February 12 @ 7pm Village of Oak Park Transportation Commission meeting
Review and discussion of proposed Parking Pilot Program
Village of Oak Park
Sunday, January 7, 2018HIGHLIGHTS: Chamber's unofficial notes from Transportation Commission Meeting (OP)
presentation of preliminary findings from the Village's Comprehensive Parking Review, with intention of running a "pilot program" to test out recommended changes
Cathy Yen
Monday, September 25, 2017Monday, September 25 @ 7:00PM VOP Transportation Commission meets to discuss parking study
The Transportation Commission will meet to update and discuss parking study
Village of Oak Park