We have so many free tools available to our members to help promote their business that it's staggering. One of those is the News Releases. This benefit is free to all members and it gives you the ability to get the attention of the general public, journalists and business bloggers in the whole of Chicago.
As one cog in your marketing strategy wheel, news/press releases can improve your brand awareness, boost social media shares, and provide SEO benefits that help lead traffic to your business. It's simple, quick and did I tell you? It's FREE for Members of the Chamber.
Here's How You Do It:
Log-in to your Chamber Account here
Once you are in your member account page, head over to the News Releases tab on the left hand-side Shortcuts menu:

This will take you to recent News Releases; on the upper right side under your top menus you will see Add News Releases, click on it.

You’ll be taken to the Create a News Release section where you can fill out all the pertinent information such as:
Title (eg Norville Barnes Named as President of Hudsucker Industries)
Display Date
And when you want it released, and the date it expires.

Fill out all of the text of your news release. If you have a press release that's already been put together, feel free to copy-and-paste the content into the body/text area.

For added SEO, add any info you have in the Meta Description section, this will help when people are searching on all the major search engines like Google, Bing, etc.
Check any boxes in the Categories list that your subject is in regards to.
Also, don’t forget to add any headshots, logos or photos that you would like included in the release, this also helps with SEO and branding of your business.

Add your company’s contact info or if you want a specific marketing/PR person at your business to be contacted fill it in with their information.
You can Save as a Draft if you want to come back to it later to add more information, otherwise, click on Submit for Approval.
That’s it!
If you have multiple News Releases going out, you can also go to the Manage News Releases button under the News tab at the top and view all of your current and past ones.

Get out there and promote what's happening in your business!