Baby Expo and Community Screening Day!
New and expecting families with babies up to a year old are invited to the Baby Expo on Saturday, April 5 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and families with children ages 1 month to 5 years old are invited to the Community Screening Day happening at the same place and at the same time! Both events are FREE.
BABY EXPO - Families are invited to connect with other new and expecting parents/caregivers, attend a resource fair and presentations, meet doulas, talk to experts about your own health and the health of your baby, and get the lowdown on cloth diapers, breastfeeding, and car seat safety. There will also be a raffle and other fun giveaways!
SCREENING DAY - Free dental, hearing, vision, social-emotional, and developmental screenings will be offered to kiddos ages 1 month to five years old. This is an excellent opportunity for families to celebrate their child’s development and growth and to catch any barriers to that growth early. Snacks, resources, and fun giveaways will also be available for screening participants.
Registration is not required but is encouraged! Come to one or both events. Learn more at: https://collab4kids.org/events/Baby Expo and Community Screening Day...Date and Time
Saturday Apr 5, 2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Percy Julian Middle School, 416 S. Ridgeland, Oak Park IL 60302
Contact Information
Collaboration for Early Childhood Team
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